Saturday, March 6, 2010

How does money effect relationships?

Money effects relationships like crazy. You can build or destroy relationships that are based upon money. Although money may build a relationship, I think that it is more likely to destroy it than not The amount of money that you have may play a role in the relationship as well as just plain old money. Let me explain myself.

Some ways that money could build a relationship is simple. If a guy/girl is clueless, and just wants someone to love them, then bam!! Someone that just wants a relationship for the money, well there you go! The two can be in a relationship based on what their need, (most likely wants) are in life. Though a relationship will not be the greatest because they may not be very compatable with each other, the wants are fullfilled and they have a relationship.

But money can totally destroy relationships for the most obvious reasons. First of all, you can't just base a relationship upon money. That is not very good. You have to have other factors that play into your relationship. Unless you don't want a very good relationship then just go right on a head and base your relationship on money.

Take the following example into consideration, a guy with a lot of money. Then also a girl that has never had much money in her life. They deside to get married. They girl is so exited that she finally has money now. Thee guy is carefull with his money, that is why he has so much. One day, the girl goes on a shopping spree. She decides to kind of wipe a lot of the money away on just stuff. They guy is so not pleased with her. Therefore this story will end in a divorce.

In conclusion, as you already know, money of course plays a huge factor in a relationship. Weather a good or a bad relationship. Or a want or a need, it obviously is a factor to a relationship. When you get into a not base it upon your or the other persons want for money!