Saturday, February 20, 2010

What makes a good relationship?

In my opinion, there are many factors that help make up a good relationship. Of the many, true love would be the biggest factor of a good relationship. Others factors would consist of a good friendship, honesty, trust and happiness. Love, it's really all that it takes to have a good, even great relationship. If you have love then you automaticly have everything else, the friendship, the honesty, trust and happiness. Let me explain myself.

Think about your best friend. You love have a good relationship with them right? Well why is this? Because you have love. It doesn't even have to be all the romantic lovey dovey stuff. Just love period. If you do truely love them, then you have a good relationship. You have 1) a good friendship, obviously. 2) your honest with eachother. 3) You trust one another. 4) You are both happy. Which would make sense.

If you don't base a good or even just a relationship on love then I could only imagine how bad the relationship would be. If you don't have love, then you don't have anything else. Anything that would also go along with it just doesn't exist in the relationship. You can have friendship, honesty, trust, happiness without love. But you cannot have love, if you don't have those things. If you want love, then you automatically get the other stuff with the package.

If you want a good relationship then find love. Without love, there is no relationship. If someone where to get into a relationship, but they didn't love eachother, then the relationship would be completely pointless. There would be absolutely no reason at all to be with a person in a relationship if you do not love them. Just a waste of time. If you were in a relationship with someone and you didn't love them then you would get sick of them. That could lead to other stuff along the lines of abuse, hatred, anger, and much more.

As you can see I believe that any good relationship should be based on love. It is the only possible way that one could be in a good relationship or even a relationship at all! From the reasons that I gave I hope you know that love is the greatest factor of any relationship.


Shayla said...

You did a great job Megan. I completely agree with what you had to say. Your essays have improved definately. Good Job!