Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fun Friday!

On Friday(forever ago) my friends came over (Rebecca, Sarah, Aubrey, and Taylor) to hang out! We just kind of chilled for a while, and then we decided to finally I mean at 9:00 finally, to order the pizza. Sarah called in a funny voice and ordered a large pizza and a 2L pop of lemonade, everone wanted rootbeer but Aubrey said she was allergic and so we got lemonade. Then she told us she wouln't have any so she didn't have to help pay. So we called back to order a medium and rootbeer. But Rebecca forgot to cancel the large and the lemonade. So they said that the totall would be 58.75$. We called back and wanted to cancel, but they said that they couldn't because the guy was already out so they only could cancel the medium. So, we ended up paying 17.00$ (rip off). We tried to do a prank of the pizza man but we didn't have time to think of anything good because the man was there in a hurry. So we watched Everything You Want! cute movie, and I fell asleep in the middle of it and then when it was over they all just went home! It was a exciting night! and long too!!


Mikayla said...

FUN FUN FUN!! haha that sounds like an exciting friday! :) haha i love all of those girls..well the ones i know!!! we still need to hangout! and you stil need to tell me everything about MR GEELS! COME ON...I WANT TO KNOW! haha call me this friday and we will play (haha i mean hang) :) haha and yeah..well only if you can!