Friday, October 31, 2008

Suspenseful Saturday!

So last Saturday, I had a Sunday School party. It was so much fun and I had a great time! We watched When a Stranger Calls it is the most freaky movie I have ever seen in my life! I love scary movies but this was a little much. It was so scary that I was SCREAMING so hard and I was litteraly crying. It was very scary. And then when the party was over, my Sunday School teacher calls me and then Sarah calls me and they both were freaking me out and said "have you checked on the children" AH if was crazy spooky!!! Now my aunt wants me to babysit on the 21st for my little cousin overnight! Oh boy...wish me luck, I hope I'll make it!


Mikayla said...

HEY!!! what is up!! i have not seen that show but i hear it is SOOO SCARY! and i feel horable because you ahve to babysit! hehe funny! call me if you get scared! Ü hehe i love you megan! ♥

Unknown said...

ahh! so scary i cannot beliece you've seen that movie!!!

Anonymous said...

That was a party.... Megan was so scared the bean bag that we sat on was wet after she sat on it...

P.S. Never sit with Megan while your watching a scary movie

Love Sarah

Megan said...

Okay Sarah.. the only reason that the bean bag was wet was because you wet your undies ya know♥ you were the only one who wanted to turn it offÜ!!

Mikayla said...