Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Schools Out!

So a couple of weeks ago my friend Maria and her two older siblings were holding a school year end dance at their house! I hate dances but I went. It was acutally really fun and I had a good time. Then during a slow song the police came and crashed the party. That was not so awesome. Stupid neighbors that can't have any fun.! Then on Thursday of last week, we had a freshman barbeque and yearbook signing at our school at 7:00. It was pretty fun but then againg I was also dissapointed that some of the ones I wanted to sign my yearbook didn't go that night. Darn it all! That's okay though. Then the next day on Friday, freshmen were suppost to go to lagoon for freshmen day...but now no we don't have the budget and so all we go to do was go to see a movie and the Sticky Shoe and then we went to 7 peaks. Don't get me wrong I love 7 peaks, but I always go and I have never gone to lagoon. So I was kind of bumbed. I did have a really great time though! It was tons of fun, I don't regret going one bit! I did finally go on Free Fall! It was so much fun I had to keep on going on it. It was my first time and it gave me the biggest adrenaline rush and the biggest weggy of my life! Then the next day was the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! I didn't get to go though becuase I had to go sit through graduation for my older brother. After they wasted 2 hours of my life, we went to Brick Oven! That was really good. Then later that day, around 7:00, I had a group of people come over to roast hotdogs, s'mores, and then later we watched Forever Strong (greatest movie ever). It was pretty fun! I am so excited for this summer! I know that it is going to be a great one, filled with camps, parties, and fun!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Catch up!

So, you already know that I am really busy with school, school, babysitting, etc; so I will not even get into it. It has been a really long time though since I have posted. Since then there is a lot that I have been doing though. On April 6, it was my birthday! Yeah. I finally turned 15! I had a wonderful birthday! It was great! Then the week after that, was Spring Break. I went to Arizona again with Donna, the lady I kind of nanny for. That was really fun as well. Then just this last week, all of my family (extended) went to St. George! I have to say that it was the most fun trip that I have had in a long time! I had such a great time! My aunt and uncle own a house down there. I went with my grandparents and little cousin on Wednesday morning. (that did not make my grades so awesome skipping school). Then the next day is when everyone else in the family came down. It was a really nice house. My grandparents had 5 kids, all five kids and their spouse and kids got there own room in the basement (we only used the basement). Outside there was a pool, a mini golf coarse thing, and excercise room, a bathroom, nice patio, and whatever a regular backyard has! Inside was a movie theater and it was just a really nice house. Then we all left on Sunday after church! Fun trip! So theres some of the highlighs of since I have updated! I do swear on my life though that I will post more soon!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Hey everyone! I am so sorry that I have not posted in forever and ever. I have been way too too too busy. Cause I usually never go on B-days and so I was really behind and fugured that I could not get any more behind than I already am/was and so I decided that I would start going more to school, then I go so sick for about a couple of months and then I just couldn't go to school. That made me so behind it was not even funny. So I couldn't get better and so I had to go and get my blood drawn...That was during school so yet I missed more. So I am behind on homework and so I haven't really had anything to do so that means nothing really to post! I did take a break of homework and I did go to see Confessions of a Shopoholic. That was really cute. Then I had to just come home to write a talk for church! Then I went babysitting. Once I do something worth posting then I will for sure post it! Sorry again!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


So a couple of Fridays ago, my mom picked me up from school and she picked up my cousins Jordan, Hunter, and Davis from schoo. She already had Jackson in the car. She dropped us off at my Grams and Pops house. My Gradparents, aunts, and uncles were going on a business trip over night and I was to babysit. So that night we had some really great times. My cousins are probably the coolest ones out of everyone. We have fun together. Well I do and hope they do too! Well we were recording some videos and taking some really fun pictures. Then later that night we were getting ready to read scriptures and so we turned on this one light and after a while we notices a burning smell. None of us could figure it out. So I called my brother and he didn't know what to do and he was on a date. So we just ignored it. Then after we watched a movie and went to bed...the next morning, I made home-made waffles. They were so good. We kind of made a mess. When the parents got home all was well and I found out that the light that we had turned on was having problems and was not to be turned on. But oh well too late now. Later I found out that my brother even knew that that light was not to be turned on but whatever. Here are some picures that we took!:
This is Hunter singing to a song that we were listening too! He didn't know that he was getting recorded.

So the first two pictures are of Davis and then the next one is of Hunter, Davis and Jackson. Then the next four are of Hunter, Davis, and Jackson. (I don't have any pictures of Jordan becuase he was at his friends house while we were taking pictures. Then the last two are of Jackson. So these were on Friday. On Saturday after the house was picked up we went to play in the snow. Babysitting them is so much fun!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Christmas Break and New Years♥

Okay. So Christmas break was really fun and New Years...Well I will get there. So I don't really remember everything that I did. Some things that I did though was go to some movies. I went to see Bedtime Stories. That was really cute. Then I went to see High School Musical 3 again. Then I went to go see it again also. And then I went and saw Forever Strong. That was probably my favorite movie of all. It was so good that I am going to have to buy it when it comes out. Around April I think it said. Just in time for my birthday lets hope! Well mostly I just hung out with friends and family. We did a lot of fun fun things together! Then I had a couple of parties that I went to and then other than that, I just got to relax not having to worry about school or wake up early! Then for New Years, well actually it was New Years Eve Eve. There was a stake dance in my friends stake that I went to. It was actually one of the most fun dances that I have ever been to before. I absolutly hate dances with a passion. But this dance me and Paige met a few lot of friends there and we had a great time! At first I was being as stubborn as I am with all of the dances but then Paige called our friend Jayden and he talked my into going. So abviously I went. Well I don't know if I would actually call it a dance becuase we wouldn't really go into the dance room becuase I hate slow song dances and so we just basically went to some of the activities that were there. It was actually really fun. At then end they had the lights weird like they do and then there was balloons and confetti everywhere. But then on New Years Eve it was not that fun. I just stayed home with my family and played some games. I was not going to go to two dances in two days. Once a few years is good enough for me! Not that interesting but there you go.!


Okay, so now I finally have time (kinda) to update on Christmas! I will take my updating one step at a time! So as you know, Christmas is my absolute favorite time of the year! Christmas is so magical! Every year it just gets better and better. I will show you some of the pictures of my Christmas but not all of them because my aunt accidentilly deleted all of them...I know it was a depressing time. Anywho:This is me, Sawyer, Mckenna, Mom, Dad, Brayden at my Grandmas house. Almost all of the gang eccept Preston, my older brother!
This is Bernard and Cleo. Our house elves. (Decorations!) They are so cute together don't you think!
This is are ugly Christmas tree. We have had it for years! So this was it last straw and next year we are going to get a real Christmas tree! They are the best!

Those are just some random pictures. Next year I will get better ones becuase they won't get deleted! Well, on Christmas Eve, we got together with my moms side of the family. It was really fun. We went to this really fun school up by her house and we went tubbing/sledding. That was really fun. Then we went back to Grams and Gramps house and we hung out for a while then we watched Elf (I love that movie!) And then we went home becuase Mckenna was sick. Then on Christmas we got up at 5:45ish and we opened presents. I got a digital camera from santa. Then I got some clothes, jewelry, make-up, and etc. Everything else a girl could want! Oh, and I got my room re-designed! I lookes amazing I love it so much I will post some pictures on a different date! Then after we all got ready and showered we went back to Granparents house and ate, hung out, and had a great time. Other things that I got were, some movies, and some games, and some slipper type things and some stuff for my roomÜ It was a really great Christmas! I can't wait for next year! I already have a countdown!

Monday, January 12, 2009

As if nothing has changed at all!

Okay, so I promise that I will for sure up-date my blog A.S.A.P. but at the pace that I am going it may take a while. I will have to up-date on...Christmas, Christmas break, New Years, New Semester, and I will probably think of more that will need to be said! Oh, and I will change my playlist and layout. Though I will want to leave it up becuase I am still mourning that Christmas is all over, Yes, I will take it down when I get the chanceÜ